I have been working at Bryan ISD in Deaf Education Department since 2014. I love working with my students and watching them grow and learn. I am a certified interpreter, and I love teaching Sign Language to students and their families.

Cheryl Brown
Phone: 979-209-5334
My Schedule
Time | Activity |
7:10-12:00 | PreK morning time |
email cheryl.brown@bryanisd.org or text with REMIND
Bowen Front Desk (979) 209-1300 they can connect to my room
You can also call Deaf Ed Department (979) 209-2745 and leave a message with Janie Duran.
My Credentials
ITP - Northwestern community college Winsted, CT (AS degree )
BA --Northeastern University Boston, Ma Human Service
MA --Sam Houston University Huntsville, Tx. Health public service
Teaching Certificate Sam Houston University. Huntsville, Tx
BEI Interpreter Certificate State of Texas
I hold the following certifications with the Texas Education Agency: Health EC-12 and Deaf Hard of Hearing EC-12.